3 Foods You Need to Try While coworking in LA

The toughest thing about eating in the City of Angels is that you can’t try everything. Every day you have a fixed lunch hour, plus finite space in your stomach, yet there seem to be an infinite number of LA cuisines you “must have.” No need to panic: we’ve come up with list of three staples for you to try while coworking in LA.

Coworking in LA is already great — what makes coworking in LA even better is that Los Angeles is a fantastic city for lunch. The following foods play an essential part to any Los Angeles lunch break. From the sweetness of an iconic strawberry donut to lime-zested tacos, these LA dishes are one of the most authentic ways to get to know what the city is all about.

Best coworking in LA sandwich? French Dip

french dip
Photo by Wonho Frank Lee

Two Los Angeles restaurants have claimed to be the birthplace of this savoury delight: Philippe The Original’s and Cole’s French Dip. An American invention, this sandwich consists of roast beef on a French roll. At Philippe’s, the roll is dipped into hot beef juices before the sandwich is assembled. At Cole’s, the juices are served on the side. Both are classic: this LA staple is the most popular dish at Philippe’s. The deli sells up to 3,000 of them a day!


Photo courtesy of Guerrilla Tacos

Is there a food more totally LA than tacos? If you’re coworking in LA and looking for fantastic authentic Mexican food, look no further! With a menu specifically catered to lunch, LA spot Guerrilla Tacos has everything from Korean fried fish tacos, to sweet potato (with feta, fried corn and a vegan option available), to tacos topped with black pepper steak. These tacos will make your day regardless of whether you’re a visiting coworker or a local.

Strawberry Donuts

Photo courtesy of Donut Man

This strawberry donut from The Donut Man is a must-eat LA treat. A crispy yet fluffy donut filled with fresh strawberries and house made strawberry jelly that you may need to plan ahead to nab. Offered only when strawberries are in season, they’re available from February to September. If you’re coworking in LA during an off-season month, you could try out other favourites like peach or — even better — pumpkin.



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